Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thoughts on Jeremiah

I'm currently reading in Jeremiah. There is a lot of doom predicted, and I don't claim to fully understand it. But, the basic idea is that lots of bad things are going to happen to Judah because they have turned away from God and refuse to repent. I was reading in chapter 15 this morning, and all that doom starts to get to Jeremiah. He's not a very popular guy because of what he's been saying either. Yet God tells him to stand strong, that He will make Jeremiah a bronze wall. He also tells Jeremiah that the people will fight against him, but that they won't prevail. God protects him. I find that to be very encouraging. Because there are days, weeks, when I feel like everything is falling apart. Doom, doom, doom. But what I tend to forget is that God has promised to be there. The Good thing is, He hasn't forgotten, even if I have. Even when I'm so caught up in my own little dramas and pity parties I can't see Him, He's still there. Those are my ramblings for this morning, take them as you will.