Saturday, March 31, 2012


Where's your focus? This has been the question of my life lately. I like to joke about having ADOS (Attention Deficit Ooo Shiny!) but it's really more serious than that. I'm realizing how easily I get distracted from God. There can be some little problem right in front of my nose, and I practically let it consume my life, forgetting that God is still right there and my problem doesn't seem huge to Him. And if I would listen when he tells me that, things would go a whole lot better. But I inevitably try to handle it on my own, which inevitably leads to me face planting in the dirt. All this is the result of misplaced focus. I focus on what I consider to be problems instead of God. My dad says that God either gets your attention with a tap on the shoulder or a 2x4 to the head. I get the 2x4 a lot, because I don't listen so well. But I want to. I want my focus to be fully on God, all the time. Will it be? No. I'll fail. But He'll pick me up and I can keep striving for that. My first summer at camp I was absolutely fascinated by the concept of majesty. It's disgusting how often I forget that. Because the God of the universe, the very God who breathed out the stars and is the only reason I'm breathing right now, who created cells and solar systems, also wants a relationship with me. I sure don't understand it. I wouldn't want anything to do with myself. I'm a mess. But God does. It blows my mind. That's where my focus needs to be.

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